Enrollment is closing soon!









Is The Academy Right For You?

Do you find yourself nodding yes to any of these questions....

  • Have you struggled to overcome blocks, let go of that which holds you down, or visualize your future with clarity and optimism?
  • Are you finally ready to release the fears and false beliefs your Inner child holds and look ahead to the future with expectation and excitement?

    ~ The wounds you carry from family and culture, etc. create endless repeating patterns of defense, self-sabotage and fear of change.

    ~ Tap into your authentic and true self — the strong, empowered you who loves and accepts herself for who she really is.

    ~ Free yourself from self-sabotage and take back your confidence by embracing your Inner Child.

    ~ Let go and move forward with your life.

  • Do you wish you could stop dwelling on situations of the past or worrying about future ones?
  •  Do you need the right tools and resources to help you stay committed to your personal and spiritual growth?
  • Would you like to increase your confidence in both healing yourself, as well as others?
  • Have you healed from (or are currently healing from) trauma, pain or illness and have learned through your experience how you can help others? 
  • Do you want to develop a deeper spiritual connection and feel a greater sense of happiness, peace and purpose in your life?

If you answered YES to one or more of these questions, it could be time to commit yourself to a proven process and achieve inner-peace on a path towards true healing. 

Overview of the Academy

Watch the live Q & A session with Andrea below to learn all about the Academy: What are the greatest benefits? What's Included? How is it Organized? Who is it right for? What are the dates of the live sessions?, etc.


It's Your Time to Shine!


"Where to begin...I am more confident in my personal and professional life. I have definite goals regarding helping others heal and feel competent to do that. I have become “unstuck.” Andrea is the kind of instructor that each of us needs. She shows the way and teaches us to think rather than telling us what to think. That she has also “done the work” is evident in each lesson, each session, and each interaction whether through the live sessions or responses on social media."

L. Diane Tarner, West Newfield, ME
This Little Light Reiki, LLC

"I joined The Healer Within Academy Accessing a deeper level of intentional self healing. I wore being busy like a badge of honor and was deeply disconnected to my highest self and inner child. Now, I am incredibly grounded with strong self care boundaries, I am physically the healthiest I have ever been and my path is laser clear. I was struggling with health problems around my heart due to inner child trauma and stress. Since the academy, I was able to make the changes necessary to heal that and dive even deeper to my healing on multi levels. I cannot say enough about Andrea. She does the work right along side us and is authentic, real, and direct about healing. "

Jennifer Jensen, LRMT, SoJen Yoga & Energy
Lake Stevens, Washington

After all my personal experiences, hardships, and success...

  • I knew it would be helpful to share what I've gained in one place for women just like yourself who need focus, guidance, and support. 
  • That's exactly when I came up with the idea of creating The Academy...I wanted to create a one-of-a kind program in which women could become part of an intimate community to not only heal, but finally become who you were made to be and SHINE your light on the world as a Courageous, Creative, Confident, Compassionate, Clear, Conscious, and Connected healer. 
  • This isn’t a program where you’ll simply sit back and learn a bunch of theory. It’s an interactive experience designed to help you heal more deeply, so you can become your truest most authentic self.
  • If you're here, you are deeply invested in your spiritual growth and healing.
    The  Academy 2.0 is an upgraded and enhanced version of the original program. It is still a  transformative online healing program designed to help you accelerate your spiritual growth, cultivate self-awareness, and awaken your full healing potential.


"The biggest benefit of THWA for me was practicing the daily SPIRIT plan to start each day. This has helped anchor me and get in touch with my Higher self. It gives me a great jump start to the day as I embrace my inner child and practice loving myself in a more positive way. Andrea has walked the walk and understands how to transform energy and empowers other to do the same."

Irene Hilbert, Windsor, CT
Irene’s Traveling Palette

"I love being me. I am so much more at peace with myself and my circumstances. There are signs all over that I have all the help I need. My family members have noticed.The academy has been a way for me to make time to work on myself. I loved the continuity and the way it flowed. I could feel the support and compassion. There is joy and love coming though. I really feel the whole academy came through from the Divine sources. It was just the way it was meant to be!"

Shelly Ranney, East Hartford, CT
Reiki Master

"Since completing the Academy, I have experienced healing on much deeper levels, and I feel calmer, more aware. "

Rosemary Ciotto
San Diego, CA

The Academy is an 8-week immersion into greater self-awareness that provides you with everything you need, including...

  • Focus
  • Strategy
  • Organization
  • Accountability
  • Deep Healing

What Sets The Academy Apart?

Whether you're new to the process of Inner Child healing, spiritual growth and self-realization, or you’re advanced seeker, you will receive everything you need to accelerate your healing, deepen your spiritual connection and cultivate the confidence to heal yourself and others.

Distant Reiki Healing

You will receive Live weekly Reiki sessions by Andrea. She works with the Highest Lightarian Reiki energies and angels to support healing on all levels. 

Chakra Balancing

Each Module you will focus on clearing deep rooted limiting beliefs and patterns held energetically in your chakras using specific tools and techniques. 

Guided Healing Meditations

You will receive powerful guided Reiki and Yoga Nidra meditations recorded by Andrea to align your chakras, heal your Inner Child and set intentions with your Higher self. 

Inner Child Healing

You will be guided to reconnect with your Inner Child to safely heal old patterns and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back.  

Daily Ritual

Create a sacred space for your daily practice. Use a journal & subtle energy tools such as crystals and essential oils for clearing old beliefs, healing and for setting new intentions. 

Angelic Healing & Guidance

You will receive weekly card readings by Andrea, as well as  specific prayers, healing meditations and strategies for connecting with Archangels. 

Who is The Academy Right for?

  • Truth seekers on a pathway of healing and spiritual growth interested in clearing away the most stubborn mental and emotional blocks and limiting beliefs
  • Those who are ready to Heal from the Past and Manifest Their Future
  • Yoga, Reiki, and Wellness Specialists
  • Life Coaches, Holistic health Coaches, and Mentors
  • Those on a path of Self-Healing And anyone eager to remove the blocks that prevent true manifestation
  • Those who need help bypassing the conscious mind, as well as any subconscious resistance, and travel straight to the heart of what's causing the negative belief, counter-intention, or block standing in your way
  • Individuals who are looking for a new and highly efficient method to reprogram limiting beliefs (without having to talk about and rehash old memories over and over)
  • Individuals who may have spent years trying other methods without experiencing long-term results & are now ready to achieve lasting results within days or weeks

 Those who are...

  • Done with the same old cycles of Negative patterns and self-sabotaging habits + are ready + willing to do the work.
  • Have let go of the illusion of quick fixes + are ready to dig deep + get honest with themselves
  • Ready to shift out of the victim consciousness, the ego + move into the heart and Manifest from the Soul.
  • Ready to put themselves first.
  • Ready to invest in exceptional support, guidance, accountability + the tough love they need to change their mind, body + spirit, and....LIFE!
Your current reality is a reflection of what is going on in the inside. The universe is responding to you. In order to change the external - you must change the internal. It’s all within you. Everything you need to do this is WITHIN You!

While other self-improvement techniques scratch the surface, this unique program integrates inner child healing, belief clearing & reprogramming using Reiki + Yoga Nidra meditations to remove the fundamental blocks that hold back millions of individuals without them even knowing it .

How is the Academy organized?

Module 01 - October 06

  • Develop a simple daily ritual for healing & spiritual growth.
  • Receive ideas and suggestions for setting up a Sacred Space.
  • Create personalized affirmations and visual image cards. 
  • Learn how to use the SPIRIT formula in specific way to support your daily practice.  

Module 02- October 13

  • Heal trauma, distress, or difficulty you had between conception and the age of 7. 
  • Work with your Inner Child to heal limiting beliefs around scarcity so you can attract and maintain abundance. 
  • Release emotions, beliefs from previous experiences or conditioning holding you back & create new empowering intentions.
  • Heal and clear your Root Chakra to feel more secure, supported and courageous. Understand how to use the Earth element to support healing & harmony. 

Module 03- October 20

  • Heal trauma, distress or difficulty you had between the age of 7 and 14.
  • Work with your Inner Child to heal limiting beliefs so you can activate your creativity. 
  • Release emotions & beliefs from previous experiences or conditioning that's blocking your creative expression and create new empowering intentions. 
  • Heal and clear your Sacral Chakra to have a more balanced lifestyle focused on creativity and healthy relationships. Understand how to use the Water element to support healing & harmony.   

Module 04- October 27

  • Heal trauma, distress or difficulty you had between the age of 14 and 21.
  • Work with your Inner Child to improve your health, particularly digestion. 
  • Release emotions & beliefs from previous experiences or conditioning that's blocking your self-confidence and create new empowering intentions. 
  • Heal and clear your Solar Plexus Chakra so can you act confidently and make choices that align with your values. Understand how to use the Fire element to support healing & harmony.

Module 05- November 03

  • Heal trauma, distress or difficulty you had between the age of 21 and 28.
  • Work with your Inner Child to let go of anger and forgive yourself and others. 
  • Release emotions & beliefs from previous experiences or conditioning that's blocking your forgiveness and compassion and create new empowering intentions so you can become more loving, kind and compassionate to yourself & others. 
  • Heal and clear your Heart Chakra so you will become more warm, loving, generous, inviting, and kind.  Understand how to use the Air element to support healing & harmony.

Module 06- November 10

  • Heal your fear of public speaking and increase the ability to express yourself clearly and confidently. 
  • Connect with your Higher Self to receive spiritual guidance to support your Divine purpose. 
  • Clear away confusion and receive the wisdom you need to make good decisions and use discernment for your Highest good.
  • Heal and clear your Throat Chakra to assist with truthful and honest expression. Understand how to work with the Ether element.

Module 07- November 17

  • Activate and develop your intuition and learn to use discernment.
  • Heal, clear and balance your Third-Eye Chakra.
  • Learn how to make choices based on your highest and greatest good. 
  • Create a power Intention for deeper healing, spiritual wisdom, and insight. 

Module 08- November 24

  • Clear, heal and open your Crown Chakra.
  • Develop inner strength to pursue your Divine Purpose in this lifetime.
  • Trust and follow Divine guidance to become healthier and more resilient. 
  • Connect with your Highest Self and deepen your connection with God/the Divine Creator. 

Celebration Week Ceremony

Culminating project: Create a True-Self Collage- December 10

  • This is NOT your traditional vision board! The vision we create here is the ability to project yourself beyond your current circumstances, to see your true self in the actualization of your highest potential.
  • This true self has always been within you- but it can be tricky to access, especially if you’ve had been living for a long time without embracing your inner child, living under false belief system they were carrying. 
  • The more you heal your inner child, the easier it will be to connect with your Higher self and to see your True self clearly. 

True Self Collage

True Self Collage

True Self Collage

This is how you can heal and move forward in your life — by healing from the past so you stop reacting to situations in an unhealthy and unproductive way.

Heal from the Past, Manifest Your Future

Once your Inner Child begins to trust you and feels loved and supported, you can move into the Repair phase because they will start to participate in the healing process. When you believe that you deserve to feel good and have all that you desire, changes can happen surprisingly quickly.

You’ll be amazed how fast your mind, body, emotions, and therefore your life, rebalances and reharmonizes in a very positive way as you reclaim your true authentic self and purpose in life.

 Before you can even start to worry about how to help and heal others, you must go inward and focus on attaining your own happiness, wholeness and wellbeing.

You can only take others as far in their healing as you have gone in yours.

When you acknowledge and nurture your Inner Child, you will no longer feel as if you are just surviving —  you can thrive & feel fully alive. You will feel whole, happy and hopeful.

Receive a Certificate of Completion

Once you've completed all of the lessons in the Academy, you will receive a certificate of completion that will represent your commitment to your healing, spiritual growth, and personal transformation. 

+ 2 Special Bonuses (for a limited time)

Receive access to a mini-course valued at $97 and a brand new guided healing meditation.

Sacred Space MakeOver ($97)  

I've broken this down into 3 simple modules (+ special bonuses) for you!
  1. Clear the Space (cleanse physical, emotional & energetic clutter)
  2. Create Your Intention (altars & affirmations for sacred union)
  3. Connect & Go Within (simple rituals for healing, divine connection & spiritual growth)

A Sacred Space is a Sanctuary for Your Soul that will help you feel more...

  • Calm
  • Committed to your daily routine
  • Inner peace
  • Emotional balance
  • Mental clarity
  • Spiritual connection
  • Inspiration
  • Creativity

The Key to Your Freedom Meditation ($19)

A doorway of love and light is before you, a portal to your new life and walk you life purpose. In this brand new powerful healing meditation, you will be guided by Archangel Muriel, and your inner child will hand over the key that unlocks the door to your Highest destiny. At the portal of your Higher Heart Chakra, your Higher Self will guide you fearlessly through the door to open your Heart. You will step into the ease, freedom and flow of your true nature. 

Upgrade to the New VIP Option!

Live Soul Plan Reading with Andrea

Soul Plan is an ancient system of life purpose guidance from the soul which can help you to say yes to the opportunities that will lead you to that fulfilled abundant life feeling.

Learn about your soul gifts and how you are being called to use them in the world as well as the challenges that are getting in your way.

Your Soul has a Divine name given to it at soul birth. This name lists the soul attributes or soul gifts, which the soul has to experience, master, and then reflect back to the Divine, as the Divine experiences life through the soul's experiences.

Once you regain the profound connection to your soul, you truly can live a Soul Empowered life - empowered from the deep knowledge from within.

Soul Plan – the primary reasons why the soul has chosen to be on this planet at this time. It is about YOU.

It uncovers the gifts, talents and abilities, unique to your soul, have you come to gift this planet with at this time.

All of your inner child patterns, challenges, and limiting beliefs will become so much clearer and can be seen from a Higher perspective!

Receive a private 1 to 1 session with Andrea to receive a full analysis of your Soul Plan, (challenges, talents, goals & Divine Destiny) based on your birth name. Plus, receive a complete Grace Healing that clears your star of creation back to your original Divine Soul blueprint. 

The reading will then focus on the reason you incarnated here at this time. Before you incarnated you signed a soul contract which will affect the way your life unfolds.

If you had past lives where you were persecuted for living your soul purpose and calling, there might be blockages or fears in this lifetime, of fully stepping into your mission.

Most souls I have done these readings for, and from the feedback I receive, have felt an intense homecoming to their soul selves, through the reading, and it has positively impacted their lives. So often they recognized the profound truth within themselves, and therefore then, recognition at a very deep and profound level.

Once one regains the profound connection to the soul, one truly can live Soul Empowered lives - empowered from the deep knowledge of the soul, which is cosmic and not earthly bound.

I transmit the soul records held at the Divine Source in the Super Consciousness energy fields. I summarize your plan in a written report and email it to you after the session.


+ There is a Workbook with Worksheets to Support Each Module

I've made it easy for you to stay focused on your healing goals instead of spending all of your time searching for strategies and resources. It’s all at your fingertips and organized in a systematic way in a new workbook.

"Through the Academy, I developed a deeper understanding and compassion for myself, always on the journey. The thing I enjoyed the most was having the time to look at each chakra and spend a month working through the modules. There was adequate time with specific tips and strategies. I love Andrea's teaching style, enthusiasm and uplifting messages. I would not change anything about this Academy. It was perfect!"

Jennifer Garver, Waynesboro, PA, RMT
Reiki Master Teacher

"Amazing! is the best word to explain my life now. I didn’t think for one moment that I could ever complete this academy but it was the polar opposite. The material and support in this Academy was superior to say the least and I looked for to each and every module. Then came the ah-ha moment I began to realize I was sleeping better, my pain had decreased and I knew at that moment this was for me!"

Barbara-Ann Mercer, RMT
Newfoundland, Canada

"Well I reconnected with myself. Now I can see things a lot more differently. I'm more calm and able to handle my stress. I'm enjoying my life and preparing myself to accomplish my dream. Before I started the THWA, I was very overwhelmed, confused, tired, and sad. During the process of each module I learnt techniques to love and take care of myself. This had been one of my best course investments that I had made for myself. I learnt how to meditate, how to heal my Inner child, clear my chakras, about my intuition, how to handle stress, and how to protect myself. It was a long journey but I enjoyed and loved each step of it. Andrea is an awesome woman. She is an excellent guidance and will help you to reconnect with yourself and understand very easily the most difficult concepts. She has a very special way to explain the lessons. "

Maru Trevino

Meet Your Facilitator

Andrea holds a Master’s degree in education; is a National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT), Reiki Master Teacher (RMT), Lightarian Reiki Master, and certified transformational coach.  She is the founder and facilitator of The Healer Within Academy (THWA) and author of the best-selling book,The Chakra Activation Method (CAM).  Andrea believes Reiki was the catalyst that helped her overcome fibromyalgia and achieve health, happiness, and inner peace. Andrea resides in New Hampshire with her husband and fur-baby, Otto. She facilitates group healing programs and teaches Reiki Classes online in the Shine School of Healing Arts. 

"The structure of the Academy really helped to keep me focused on the task at hand. I have a problem with 'spiritual window shopping' as I'm attracted to lots of different things. Andrea is amazing, it's easy to tell she has put her heart and soul into this. I loved her teaching style, she is very easy to understand."

Michele Fritz, RMT
Reiki Master

"Andrea is the first facilitator that I've actually resonated with. Her genuine personality sparked my interest in continuing my healing and spiritual growth. She is very supportive, knowledgeable, informative and her timely response to any questions shows that she truly cares and is there with you on your journey. Her teaching style is very comfortable and down to earth. I love that she gives a great amount of references and downloadable printouts to keep for future use."

Stephanie McCann, Reiki Master
Rhode Island

"This program has been very transformational. I feel like a different person from a year ago. I am learning the person that I am and becoming very self loving. Thank you Andrea! I had a 4 to 5 year struggle with losing my grandpa and my dad. I felt that grieving has had an impact on my physical health but also emotionally. I noticed that I was always getting very ill and my body was not fighting anything. I would also weave in and out of depression and was on anti depressants. I am no longer weaving in and out of depression and feel so much better and no longer on anti depressants. I also find I am no longer ill all the time and feel much happier and grateful for my life. I am gaining more confidence with my throat chakra and speaking up the truth. For most of my life I have never spoken up and been walked all over. I am know speaking the truth and no longer worry what others think. Andrea shows lots of passion and puts lots of her time with the Academy members. She is very compassionate and just love to take her courses. It was awesome!"

Desiree Paris, Reiki Master
Ontario, Canada

"The Healer Within Academy has helped me grow on my spiritual path. Prior to this program, I used to self sabotage, lacked belief in myself & my spiritual path. This has deepened my awareness. Her intuitive card readings are incredible. The amount of time, love & passion put into this course is just amazing."

Edel Quinlivan, Reiki Master

"My primary purpose for joining THWA was to continue the healing journey that the CAM program unlocked within me. Once my heart chakra opened, I allowed myself to acknowledge my wounded inner child and her (our) need for healing.My greatest struggle before joining THWA was dealing with grief. I have had many losses in the past 20 years and, instead of facing the pain, I tucked it all away. It showed up in my life as weight gain, judgmental attitudes and behaviors, isolation, mistrust and fear. I pushed people away from me but at the same time couldn't say no to volunteering at my children's school events, athletics, etc. This caused resentment to build; all of my own doing. I was tired of being unhappy and knew I needed to change.While I still have issues with grief, I am so much more aware of my thoughts and feelings. When I begin to react, I ask myself where is "this" coming from, and I'm able recognize what I own and leave anything else behind. Developing a relationship with my inner child has allowed me to honor the parts of myself that I used to judge in other people. I am in a place of peace more now than ever before. I resigned from my job last spring in order to pursue my spiritual path.Andrea is such a natural teacher. She is organized and knowledgable and teaches to many learning styles but, more importantly, she is genuine and warm and wise. I always feel as though she is talking to each of us personally; she interacts with us and remembers our stories. Andrea sees and hears us, which resonates on a soul level."

Shannon Bates, RMT
East Longmeadow, MA

"I joined The Healer Within Academy because I wanted to learn how to connect with myself & to grow within to help others. The biggest thing that I have benefited is my relationship. I am feeling more peace in my heart & happiness. This Academy has given me the opportunity to go deeper within & using the tools to help me release what I need to & grow with confidence in my daily life. I feel so fortunate to have found Andrea. She is really a remarkable person. I love her compassion, simplicity, and her knowledge. She shares a lot of information & is very giving. If you can notice a change, a good feeling inside your heart, mind & spirit then you know you have found a great teacher & that teacher is Andrea. I think everyone should take this course, all would benefit."

Sandy Packham, Reiki Master
Ontario, Canada

Enrollment is closing soon!









Enrollment for the 2024 Cohort is Now Open!.

Select either the Standard Program or the VIP option which includes a Live Soul Plan Reading, Grace Healing & customized report.

Pay In Full


One Time Payment

  • 8 Weekly Modules 
  • Live Healing Sessions
  • Bonus Modules 
  • Lifetime Access



4-Pay Plan


4 Monthly Payments

  • 8 Weekly Modules 
  • Live Healing Sessions
  • Bonus Modules 
  • Lifetime Access
  • Affordable payment plan 

Pay In Full


One Time Payment

  • 8 Weekly Modules 
  • Live Healing Sessions
  • Bonus Modules 
  • Lifetime Access
  • Live Soul Plan & Grace Healing with Andrea
  • Customized Soul Plan Report

4-Pay Plan


4 Monthly Payments

  • 8 Weekly Modules 
  • Live Healing Sessions
  • Bonus Modules 
  • Lifetime Access
  • Live Soul Plan & Grace Healing with Andrea
  • Customized Soul Plan Report
  • Affordable Payment Plan

50% Complete

THWA Waitlist

Add your name to the list to receive notification when enrollment reopens!