
Time to Shine Retreat Application

Please answer a few short questions to apply for the Time to Shine Retreat. Andrea will be able to determine if this retreat will be a good fit for you and let you know if spaces are available. *There is also a space to ask Andrea any questions you have about the retreat!

Click the button below to start the application. 


Question 1 of 6

Why are you interested in attending the Time to Shine Retreat? What are you hoping to experience and take away from the weekend? 

    Question 2 of 6

    Have you been following Andrea online or have you taken any of her classes or online programs (i.e., Reiki class, Aroma Reiki, CAM, or the Academy, etc.?)

      Question 3 of 6

      Where are you located? Are you able to travel to Alnoba, in southern NH for the retreat? 

        Question 4 of 6

        Are you committed to investing your time, energy and finances for this transformational weekend? 




        Not yet


        Maybe, I need More Info

        Question 5 of 6

        Are you able to make a financial investment of: the pay in full option ($1,350) or the 3-monthly payments of ($475)? If you select Pay In Full, You will receive a coupon code to save an additional $100 off!


        Yes, I'm ready to pay in Full!


        No, I'm not able to make this financial commitment.


        Yes, with a monthly payment plan!

        Question 6 of 6

        Do you have any questions about the retreat? 

          Confirm and Submit